Tadataka Unno "My Romance" (Village Music 2008)

Tadataka Unno – Piano
George Mraz – Bass
Jimmy Cobb – Drums     

Piano trios might be the most common group format in jazz, and certainly the engine for most groups, but outstanding trios are not all that common. Unno has put together a great trio on his new release, with marvelous support from two veterans. Like many piano trios, they may not break new ground, but unlike most others, Unno, Mraz and Cobb satisfy with stellar takes on great tunes.

Starting off with a tricky-fast tempo on "Milestones," Unno at first seems like he's trying to catch up, but in fact, he's enjoying himself, running comfortably a bit ahead of the beat, then falling in where he feels like it, totally in control at such a fast pace.
Mraz and Cobb, as expected, are amazing, pulling out great solos with aplomb and intensity. They do not cut Unno any slack, but from this first tune on, keep pushing him for more and more.

"My Romance" slows down into a mature, ripe harmonic conception. All three of them know how to carry across emotional nuance with subtle shifts in harmonies and rhythms. "Harry's Blues," a nice original from Unno, really flows. It's a complicated blues that works with long lines of fluid blues. It's a blues of many colors. The taut, muscular sound and steady working over and over does not seem to fit Unno's rather demure appearance, but these blues assert themselves on the keyboard with authority and power.

"On the Street Where You Live" is taken at a slow pace, with a rather sparse set of notes but all the right ones. This lack of hurry is especially nice since young pianists tend to play over-fast. Here, the feeling does not get covered up with too many notes played too quickly. Cobb holds everyone right in the pocket. "Jubilation" shows off Unno's left hand, which keeps moving all the time with splashes of old-school jazz. The tune sounds fresh and strong, only to have the delicacy of "When You Wish Upon a Star" close out the CD. The last tune might seem an obvious choice, but Unno's playing is just right.

This very straight ahead piano trio is so well done that the promise of more to come from Unno is obvious. Though this is not his first release, it has that kind of enthusiasm and energy. Piano trios may be common but this piano trio is uncommonly good.

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